Saturday, October 9, 2010

Research Paper Free Write: Blog #4

I used to like to knit but haven’t in a long time, so I’m still a beginner. I am not in any organizations. I don’t play in any sports I was going to take the P.E. volleyball class but in the description it says you need to be experienced and although I played in middle school I really don’t know what I’m doing. So I like volleyball and like to watch some other sports sometimes. My friends and I don’t talk about any issues. I don’t have cable or such so I don’t really watch the news daily. Once in a great, great while I read some articles on yahoo or goggle and I check the weather on my phone. I read the newspaper when I am bored and my cousin leaves it around the house. I like to read about “stars” problems and issues in the area. I like magazines about “stars” and I love magazines about cooking and baking and stories about people changing their life and wanted to help other people. I do care about the world like global warming and I want to travel to different parts of the world.
Movies are my boredom saver. I own many Disney, comedy, and older movies. I watch movies before I go to bed, while I clean my room, and when I do my homework (but not when I am reading).  At my house we have a lot of movie nights we watch action and major military movies like Full Metal Jacket. When I visit my cousin, I watch a lot of cooking shows and sometimes I can watch NCSI, Law & Order, and other shows like that. Also when visiting my cousin, we have chick flick movie nights and we have lots of fun. I never bought any DVD because they aren’t cheap but have bought a lot on eBay. I have bought a lot on eBay mostly DVD and items that are Xbox 360 related. I bought an Xbox 360 and such because I have always wanted one and my brother has one and we always have talked about battling each other online. Since school has started up for both of us I having played as much as he would like (LaughativeKrisy = gamertag). Music is also a big part of my life I don’t listen it to as much as I used to but I listen to it on my computer, when I do the lawn, and when I go on a walk and of course when I’m in the car. I recently (three days ago) bought a car it’s a Nissan Sentara and I like it a lot and cleaned it today.
I go to school Thursday nights, Friday mornings, and all day Saturday (9-12 & 1-5) and soon I will be starting as a class on Tuesday and Thursday in the afternoon-ish it is a P.E. class so it will be easy and I can lose some weight. I got a job near the beginning of the summer at Aldis and work there about 2-3 days a week and in a good week I can get up to 4 1/2 days : )
The only thing I could think that I could write anything about is problem of court system, how men don’t get fair rights on child visits and such. I hear about this issue because my cousin, who I live with, had a child and had some issues will seeing his daughter when she got into her teens and then with his second daughter he battled for a long time to see her and played lots of money for child support and court fee and never won the battle. I guess that I could really talk about anything since I really don’t do anything in my life yet.

Blog #3

I learned that I have lost the passion I once had for writing. Although I was a bad writer in my middle/high school days, I would love to get the chance to write something now it like when I get it I want it to be over as fast as possible. Last spring I took a class that had a research paper and I did tons of extra credit so when it came time to turn in the research paper I still passed the class with a B and the paper didn’t help at all. I also learned that I like to give people the chance to learn on their own with a little extra help from me. I didn’t want to take charge and not let my partner have the chance to learn something too. I like to think of myself as a silent leader. I think I could have been a little more prepared in the information I brought to the table because I relaied on two people which turned into one and realized that my partner could have done the same thing and we would have been done for (she did not).

On the objective summary I think I did well. I think I am recalling the right paper; I don’t have it in front on me. I learned that I have let go of the steps on which I used to take to complete my paper in a good, efficient way. I know should start using them because I realized it but I am too lazy to want to when it comes down to it.

Blog # 2

If I had to put a label on my writings strength and weaknesses it would be hard because depending on what level we are talking about it could be perfect or very crappy. Talking about a good medium level I would say that I can be an ok writer when I want to be. I am very good with a three body paragraph paper because when I figure out what my three topics are I can support them with 3 to 4 more sentence and the intro and conclusion I write about the same thing and the thesis sentence thing is the same in both.  I am good with creating sentence to make the requirements of a paragraph because I have a habit of writing run-on sentences.
My negative thing about my writing is the length. When I first wrote essay, like in middle/high school I had a problem with putting what I wanted to say on paper so I would have many sentences to explain what I was trying to say. Know that I have taken some good classes on how to really write I am better with explaining myself in fewer words and can’t seem to make a paper of any kind longer without putting in stuff that dose fit/matter or isn’t on topic. I also just remembered that I am very bad at spelling (which ABC check helps me with) and I am bad at grammar and putting words in the correct way for people to understand them and to still be in correct English.
At the moment the thing that I want to learn is to write a good, long research paper because I will need to write many of them since I am now in college. : )  I have fine with just learning to write a long r. paper the good part can come later.
Diagnostic Essay
It was a little of both. At first it was hard for me to think of how I wanted to write my first paper of the year that would show my writing skills.  So I took the easy way out and wrote my paper in a letter format.  If I had the chance to do my essay over again, I would have spent some more time on checking it over by added in more things to help support what I thought. I would have done my format in the same way because after I am done with an essay I normally would recheck it twice, which I don’t do any more, so I think either way the format of the essay would have been fine but I think I choose wisely in my decision.  The letter way was a good way to show my writing skills in an informal way.
 I do like to write but just to show my skills off I think because I never write just I feel like it. I do write a lot throughout my day though. I would enjoy writing more if it was more meaningful, like in class I write for a good grade, I’ll write example to help people, or a scholarship. Something that has a deeper meaning than what is “on top”.