Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blog # 10 : )( :

I learned a lot from this class I will carry on with me from college to life. Some things that I learned are very simple things while some are complex. I learned the whole concept of CD/TS from Ms. Peters. This paragraph system helps the writer to organize his/her thoughts and to correctly cite in the paragraph they are writing.  All CD sentence should be cited correctly and this will help with the confusion of when to cite. The TS and CS of this system are bent to be transitions sentences that will help move on to the next paragraph. With transitions it is easy to use old information into new information and this will help fill in the space. In each paragraph there should be a topic sentence.
With writing the writer can run into many errors some of this can be fixed with the task of read the paper or assignment that is being done out loud.  When writing a paper o a computer using the software Microsoft Word, many people take good use of the spelling checker but this feature is not perfect because it was made by a human and humans are not perfect. It is very easy to find run-ons and such in this way. Writing a paper can be done in many different ways and when citing a paper there are many different ways of doing this in the correct way too, examples are MLA, APA, ect. All of these can be found at the owl website.  In a paper the use of the word you, or a word pertaining to the same idea, is very hurtful to the people that end up reading it. To make reading more entertaining to the reader and enriched the paper in general, the writer should use active verbs.
If I need help, there are many people in this world that can help me. I have my teachers, peers of mine, library people at many different libraries in my area, and even online. I want to remember all of the information that I learned in this class not only to help me but others would struggle with writing. I have always struggled with write and the people who I have asked to help me in the past always act like they have a clue on what the subject is about but I found out that not everyone is gifted with the skills of writing and such. I want to have the chance to help my skills so I can intern help others when I graduate from wherever I happen to attend college next.
My dream: I have always wanted to write a book not a long book but a really short one, I don’t want to get it published or anything I have just always wanted to do it because I would like to accomplish that in my life. I would like to just for the fact I could do it. And now that I have learned about writing in a deeper way I feel I am a little closer to that dream. I have taken 3 English classes so far at WCC (including this one) and so far I haven’t learned anything that helped my writing skills except the concepts I learned from this class and that stupid book you gave us. I wish someone gave it to a lot sooner it would have helped a lot. LOL. Thank you I learned a lot and the knowledge I gained, I will never forget.

Blog # 9

 We have learned many things in this class. The goal of; Engage a topic in which the student explores writing as a means of self-discovery, establishes a voice appropriate to the topic selected and rhetorical context, and produces a text that is designed to persuade the reader of the student’s commitment(4), for this class was very rewarding. We got the chance to use creativity and express our self by using a blog. For me, it was the first time I have done something like this on the internet. It was even hard for me to keep a dairy as a kid. The blog helped the students of the class and I to achieve this goal in an appropriate way.
I have never been taught the correct way of doing research correctly so that the author will get credit. The goal of; Understand the process of research, both in the library and through electronic media, and develop effective research strategies (6), helped me a lot and will keep helping throughout my career as a student and beyond. I learned how to effectively find a good website because of its credentials and such. I enjoyed doing the argument paper because it gave me a challenge. At the moment I am not sure how I did, but I hope I did well. We also learned this in the critical analyze because we need to cite what we used from sources which I forgot to do and will be fixing to get a better grade.
At first when I read this goal; Recognize the importance of writing as essential to inquiry, learning, thinking, communicating, life-long learning, and as a career skill(10), I pondered on it for a moment because I never wrote anything down unless it had to do with school, for a grade. I thought if maybe everyone in history only did this we would not have such an enriched civilization that we have today. Writing is very important for everyone young and old. I think that writing defends what we are, have been, and what might be. Writing has always been around in some form.
One of the most important things I learned helped meet this goal; Utilize various invention, drafting, and revising/editing strategies to meet the purposes of different writing situations, materials available to the student, and length of time available for the task(3). Before writing a paper the writer needs to make an outline so they can map out what they want to cover in there writing. In post-English class, when I got an assignment of an outline I always waited until the paper was complete then write the detailed outline. I learned that the outline is to help the writer not to help the students’ grade go up. I learned many ways to draft out an outline for a paper and how to “free write” so I can get ideas of my paper.
 We used this goal for a lot of papers; Select, evaluate, and interact effectively with sources, subordinating them to the student’s purpose and creating confidence that the sources have been fairly represented and acknowledged with academic integrity, particularly in summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting statements or reproducing audio-visual materials (7). If I am recalling correctly I believe that every paper that we wrote in class was helping us to evaluate and to fairly represent the author in an appropriate way. The main paper that comes to mind is the paper that we wrote with another student from the class. I thought that was a good paper to start out with, with another student we learned to positively share what we evaluated and we could see what we missed from another point of view.

Blog # 8

My research paper is going okay I think. I am not done but I have the key components in it. What I did is wrote all of the things that I wanted to put in my paper from my sources then I cited them so I knew where they came from and such. After I did this is was simple to relate the facts and such together. I used the CD/TS paragraph system to the best of my ability for this paper because it is my first time to write a paper that I only need to write the side I agree with. At first I was confused but then I talked to you and I got the concept a lot better.
Problems: Not knowing how to start my paper, I and not sure how to transition from one paragraph to another, I am not sure if it is well structured at the end
Good Things: All citing is good, I have my work cited page final done J