Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog #7

Humor to me has many different definitions that not everyone will agree with because, I think, humor is different for everyone.  Humor to me is a trait that something/someone can be described to have.  Depending who is around me I will determine on how I want to laugh. If it is very, very supper funny then I can’t control my laugh because it is too funny. Some people don’t learn to have or accept humor so you have to be careful on whom you “react” around. I thought the cocaine was funny but some people will think that wasn’t at all funny just stupid and was the right thing to do. I think that every person is born with laughter and life and some people are raised by people who have lost this trait and they then will lose that trait and so on and so fourth. Many people have a hard time to keep there “Laugh” but with the world being so sad it is hard to now a days.
Style can be used for everything that anybody does. Style is the way you do something. I think style is mostly used in the style of writing, music, and clothing. But I believe it can be used to describe anything like walking, talking, and even living. With writing there can be many styles not only in the  way the font looks but in the way it is put in sentances. I would say I have a unique style of writing and sometimes I borrow other peoples’ sytle because it is the correct way to write in english standard. I put in my style as much as I can but sometimes the teachers want the style in a certain way so I am limted to what I can doand create.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blog #6

My critical Analysis paper sucked. My paper was written very poorly. I was just wanted to get it done so then I could know what I need to improve on and so I have a grade in the grade book because even though I am behind I am really trying. I wasn’t 100% sure on how to go about this paper. I decided to go with the easy route and talk about immaturity that is shown throughout the movie. I through it would be easy because it seems like it is the main issue in the movie that is stressed. I had trouble with technique because I wasn’t really sure on how to put the topics I was talking about in order because some happened throughout the movie multiple times. I also tried to sort it by person at first, each paragraph by itself seemed liked it was written well but when you read them as a paper it was very confusing and didn’t make since. If a person who knew this movie by heart tried to read my paper they wouldn’t understand what I was trying to do.
I didn’t like how I was unsure on what to write. Normally when I have a topic to write on after a while it just comes to me and an okay C paper comes to me. But for this paper I have been stuck on what to write on for almost a week and a half. I know that everyone in the class did well on how they went about their papers so I shouldn’t be complaining but I think this was probably the most challenging paper I had to write so far in my writing career but research papers do not count. At the moment I really don’t have anything that I like about it I am glad that it got finished but that is about it.
I am hoping to still have time to attempt a second try on this paper. I will get a lot of advice from my teacher because I know this paper is really bad and she is majored in English so it shouldn’t be too hard for her. I will probably start my second try from scratch, with a whole new outlook and outline. I think I might still use some of examples from my original paper. I think to make my paper more effect in the length wise I could compare and contrast or use my examples along with ways the person matured after the fact. I think I would keep the examples because it is the movie so that can’t change but I won’t keep anything else because it sucked as I said before.

Blog #5

I thought for my first take at the paper I did an okay job. I think I could have used any kind of verb to help my paper not be as plain. I forgot about verb usage I think if I when back and added a few good long verbs my paper would have make the length requirement.
 I think I did well in stay on topic by summarizing the paper while explaining how the article was written effectively or not. My opinion is in the paper and I did this by use the filling-the-space technique you showed us in class. I also think that I should have focused a little bit more on grammar, spelling, and such.  I was in a rush to get the paper done and forgot to at least reread it and some sentences probably didn’t come out that well.

***Do I need to post my revised Evaluation Summary here too???